Computer Science Alumnus, Harry Chen, featured in UMBC Magazine

Photo Courtesy UMBC Magazine

In its latest issue, dubbed "Tech Trekkers", UMBC Magazine features Computer Science alumnus Harry Chen, one of the key players in the development of the iPhone 4S's digital assisant, Siri.

While you may have heard about Harry through an article we posted last year, the UMBC Magazine article goes deeper into Harry's story as it  follows him around the Apple campus in Cupertino, California, where he works as a software engineer.

Weaving the inspiring tale of Harry's path to success–including his spontaneous decision to pack up everything and move to the West coast in 2008–the article paints Harry as a tech wunderkind who credits at least some of his success to the environment of discovery at UMBC.

It talks about his graduate research on smart rooms ("Imagine a room that answers your questions, or anticipates your needs and then fulfills them," goes the article) and features quotes from CSEE Professors Dr. Tim Finin and Dr. Anupam Joshi, who served as his advisors during his nearly ten years at UMBC, during which time he received a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Computer Science.

Want to be inspired? Check out the article here.





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