Baltimore Hackathon: meet people, build stuff, have fun

The Second Baltimore Hackathon will be held this weekend, starting at 6:00pm Friday June 8 and ending at 6:00pm Sunday. At a hackathon people get together to build a hardware or software project from idea to prototype, in this case in one weekend. You can do it individually or as a team. You can come as part of a team or find one when you get there. It’s a great way to meet people and have fun.

The hackathon will take place at‘s offices in Tide Point (1020 Hull Street, 1st Floor Ivory Building, Baltimore, MD 21230).

You can register online (tickets are limited) for just $10, which includes a t-shirt and food for the weekend. Significant prizes will be awarded in six different categories: technical complexity, smart design, civic service, aesthetics, crowd favorite, and hacker/DIY.

See the Baltimore Hackathon site for more information.



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