talk: Transition from the Academic World to Corporate Culture, 11:30 Fri 3/16

EE Graduate Seminar

From Backpack to Briefcase: Transition from
the Academic World to Corporate Culture

George W. Reynolds
Director, Industry and University Initiatives
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

11:30-12:45pm Friday 16 March 2012, ITE 237

This seminar explores the pitfalls that new hires can encounter as they transition to the corporate world from academia. We explore the personal characteristics that people will evaluate, over and above performance. We will learn the importance of having appropriate, unbiased mentors and how to choose them, as well as strategies to develop key relationships that add value to our career growth and non-technical education. The importance of image and appropriate wardrobe for success will be addressed in addition to what top executives look for when selecting staff with leadership potential.

George Reynolds is a licensed professional engineer with over forty years of experience with the Westinghouse Electric and Northrop Grumman Corporations. His current responsibilities include establishing key strategic relationships with selected universities for long-term research, business and recruitment partnerships. He is also responsible for sector wide initiatives that include knowledge management and introducing lean thinking into engineering and manufacturing organizations.

Mr. Reynolds has served as industry liaison for the Lean Aerospace/ Advancement initiatives at MIT since its inception in 1992. He also serves as the chairman and/or member of numerous engineering Advisory Boards for major universities, and is the past Chairman of the Aerospace Industries Associations Engineering Management Committee. Mr. Reynolds was selected as National Black Engineer of the Year for Professional Achievement in Industry in 1991, and Black Engineer of the Year for Corporate Support of Engineering Education in 2008. He is one of three people in the nation to receive two of these awards. In 2001, he was awarded the Distinguished Black Marylander Award.

Mr. Reynolds holds a B.S. in Engineering from Howard University, an M.S. in Engineering Administration from George Washington University, and is a graduate of the Program for Management Development at Harvard School of Business. He is also a Johns Hopkins Fellow in the Management of Change. He holds a black belt in Six Sigma and is an expert in Lean Thinking. Mr. Reynolds holds a commercial pilots license with multi-engine and jet ratings.

Host: Prof. Joel M. Morris



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