Register for CWIT's 2nd annual Spring Into Leadership

Next Monday, April 2nd is the deadline to register for the Center for Women in Technology’s (CWIT) 2nd annual Spring Into Leadership event.

This year’s theme is “What’s Your Story?” CWIT invites undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff to this interactive night where students can meet industry experts like featured speaker Wendy Martin, a Project Management expert from the Harris Corporation, a Florida-based company that makes wireless equipment, electronic systems and antennas.

All students—especially those pursuing majors in IT or engineering fields—are invited to attend the event which features a light dinner.

CWIT’s 2nd Annual Spring Into Leadership takes place next Wednesday, April 4th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the University Center Ballroom.

To register for the event, click here.

To see photos from last year's Spring Into Leadership event, click here.




