CSEE Professor Dr. Tulay Adali Named IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer

Congratulations to CSEE Professor Tulay Adali, who has been named a 2012 IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer. Nominated by the Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee, Dr. Adali is one of only five Distinguished Lecturers appointed this year.

The position commits Dr. Adali to travel around to world to present her current research, which focuses on data-driven and complex-valued signal processing and their applications in medical image analysis.

Her lectures will revolve around the following topics:

  • Data-driven Analysis and Fusion of Medical Imaging Data
  • Complex-valued Adaptive Signal Processing: When and How to Take Noncircularity into Account
  • ICA, ISA, and IVA: Theory, Connections, and Applications in Medical Image Analysis
  • Optimization in the Complex Domain using Wirtinger Calculus: Applications to ICA
  • Joint Blind Source Separation: Applications in Medical Image Analysis

“My research group, the Machine Learning for Signal Processing Lab [MLSP-Lab], has been conducting research in two of the most active areas in my field: data-driven signal processing and medical image analysis and fusion,” explains Dr. Adali. “I am looking forward to telling a wider audience than I have in the past about the exciting research results we have, as well as better introducing these important areas to new audiences.”

The appointment will last from January 1, 2012 until the end of December 2013.



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