ENES Students Take Part in AROW Competition at UMBC

This Saturday, November 19, students enrolled in Introduction to Engineering Science (ENES 101) will put robotic vessels to the test during UMBC's first AROW competition. AROW–Academy Robotics on the Water–was developed by Captain Jonathan Russell, Lt. Cmdr. Brian Maggi and Stephen Grenier of the US Coast Guard Academy as an introductory engineering design experience. The competition requires students to design robotic vessels capable of performing simulated tasks akin to those of the US Coast Guard. Forty teams will compete to see how many tasks can be performed by their robotic vessels within a four minute time limit.

What: UMBC AROW Competition

When: Saturday, November 19th 9:30 a.m. to Noon, 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Where: Engineering/ Computer Science Building (ECS), 2nd Floor Atrium

Click here for more information.




