MS defense: Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model

MSEE Thesis Defense

On Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via
Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model

Yi Xin

2pm Monday, 6 June 2011, ITE 325

Due to recent development in laser technology and infrared spectroscopy, Laser-based spectroscopy (LAS) has been used in a wide range of research and application fields. A particular application of interest is mid-IR laser-based gas detection systems for health and environment assessment. The NSF-ERC Mid-Infrared Technologies for Health and Environment (MIRTHE) project has engineers and researchers from different areas. As a participant in MIRTHE, we study the performance analysis and improvement possibilities of the integrated sensing system.

Herein, we have improved the previously-developed statistical analysis model, and then used our statistical analysis model for a generic mid-IR pulsed-laser gas detection system to predict trace gas detection and concentration estimation performance, and their sensitivity to system parameters. Based on PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) data and the Beer-Lambert law, we defined three main spectral peaks of a trace gas for detecting a target gas and evaluate 3-peak joint detection performance in terms of P_D vs. P_FA. For concentration estimation we used the relationship between gas transmittance (beta), molar absorptivity (epsilon), concentration (c), the sample-mean measurement (x_N) from the photo-detector, and number of samples (N) as the basis. Using the standard confidence interval method, we evaluated estimation reliability, and then analyzed estimation errors.

Simulated gas-detection and concentration-estimation results are presented for 17 trace gases at 1ppm and 1ppb concentrations.


  • Dr. Joel M. Morris (chair)
  • Dr. Chuck LaBerge
  • Dr. Gymama Slaughter



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